DARK VOYAGE by Alan Furst

Note: I am not a paid reviewer, and I have purchased this title to read for my personal enjoyment.

By 1941 the Dutch have capitulated to the Nazis, but Captain DeHaan of the Dutch merchant steamer Noordendam has not. DeHaan undertakes missions for the Dutch resistance, which has by now acquiesced to British intelligence. Whether he must deliver British commandos to Tunisia, ammunition to Crete, or spyware to the Baltic, danger lurks in and out of port. The defenseless Noordendam is easy prey for U boats and sea and air patrols, and we feel DeHaan’s tension as he maneuvers to keep his ship above water. DeHaan is a memorable character as a sly sea dog, yet a man of conviction and surprising tastes. But as talented as he is, he toils in the lower realms of the espionage world with the smallest guns in the fight, forcing him to react almost haplessly at times. The story has a somewhat choppy, stop and start rhythm, especially early in the book, that helps build suspense as to whether the good ship Noordendam will test the fates one too many times. The maritime and period atmosphere is painted masterfully as DeHaan deals with the workings of the ship and we follow him into clandestine meeting places in seedy ports of call. Mr. Furst specializes in historical thrillers in the years leading up to and through WW2, and I look forward to picking up another one of his. 


THE ENGLISH PATIENT by Michael Ondaatje


COVENTRY: A NOVEL by Helen Humphreys